Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Off the Record?

A day or so ago I came across a quote “you can be friendly with a journalist, but a journalist will never be your friend” and it reminded me of a somewhat tense session with newspaper executives and a high profile celebrity some years ago.

Amongst other things, the editor stated quite categorically “there’s no such thing as off the record”.

So it was with some disbelief that I read an article in this morning’s Eastern Daily Press involving an email sent to BBC Radio Norfolk.

Not only did the email contain ‘off the record’ information, crucially it was also in writing – including the full name and contact details of the sender, who signed off with the request ‘please treat this as an anonymous tip off’.

Fat chance!

Needless to say the email found its way into various other inboxes…which led to the sender being suspended from his job…and the email being published in full in today’s Eastern Daily Press.

So, to repeat – never, ever assume you’re speaking ‘off the record’ when talking to the media. And if you want to whisper anonymously in someone’s ear then best avoid email…