Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Humble Apostrophe...

I came across an amusing You Tube video recently, highlighting the widespread plight of the misunderstood – and misused – apostrophe.


Now, you might be of the opinion that it’s not a big deal if you get into a muddle over punctuation, but trust me there are people out there who do care - and who interpret sloppy copy as an indication of your general approach to business.

For some, poor punctuation is as careless as leaving your fly unzipped – so be warned.

If you’re committing something to print then double and triple check your spelling and punctuation. (And certainly don’t expect a graphic designer or web guru to read/correct your copy – they’re creatives, not proofreaders!)

So what’s this got to do with PR? Well, remember that everything your company does may be seen as a reflection of your values – from how you answer the telephone to how often you wash your delivery vans.

And for at least a few people it really matters if you know your onions from your onion’s.

PS Don’t take the lyrics of the You Tube song as gospel – opinions about the rules are divided!