Congratulations to the team at Epping Forest Burial Park, on their latest award win.
At the finals of the Essex Business Excellence Awards last night, the woodland cemetery was named winner in the fiercly competitive Innovation category.
No stranger to award wins, Woodland Burial Parks has amassed quite a collection over the years, all of which showcase their high standards, environmentally friendly ethics and committment to customer service.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Another Award Win!
Posted by Helen Roebuck at 12:31 0 comments
Labels: woodland cemetery; Epping Forest Burial Park; award win; Essex Business Excellence Awards
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
The Humble Apostrophe...
I came across an amusing You Tube video recently, highlighting the widespread plight of the misunderstood – and misused – apostrophe.
Now, you might be of the opinion that it’s not a big deal if you get into a muddle over punctuation, but trust me there are people out there who do care - and who interpret sloppy copy as an indication of your general approach to business.
For some, poor punctuation is as careless as leaving your fly unzipped – so be warned.
If you’re committing something to print then double and triple check your spelling and punctuation. (And certainly don’t expect a graphic designer or web guru to read/correct your copy – they’re creatives, not proofreaders!)
So what’s this got to do with PR? Well, remember that everything your company does may be seen as a reflection of your values – from how you answer the telephone to how often you wash your delivery vans.
And for at least a few people it really matters if you know your onions from your onion’s.
PS Don’t take the lyrics of the You Tube song as gospel – opinions about the rules are divided!
Posted by Helen Roebuck at 10:33 0 comments
Labels: apostrophe, grammar, PR, You Tube