Thursday 28 October 2010

And the award goes to....

As I’ve said before I’m a big fan of awards. There’s a whole host of reasons why entering – and even winning – awards is good for business.

And I’ve just read some interesting research, (carried out on behalf of the British Quality Foundation and the European Foundation for Quality Management), in respect of their Excellence Awards:

• Three years after receiving an award, 120 European companies outperformed non-winners by an average of 17% (sales) and 36% (share value). Improved financial performance was already evident 12 months after the win.

• In the US, smaller award winning companies showed a 63% increase in operating income and a 39% growth in sales, compared with non winners.

So, heartfelt congratulations to Chiltern Woodland Burial Park
which was this week named a finalist in the Thames Valley Business Magazine Awards 2010 (Best Company to Work For).

If the last thing you won was a goldfish at the fair then perhaps it’s time get back into the winners’ spotlight!