Thursday, 27 May 2010

Carrot Crunch

It’s National Vegetarian Week. So what? Well, it’s a perfect opportunity for proactive businesses to raise their profile by ‘piggy backing’ on a national campaign. The press need topical hooks – and national awareness days/weeks are popular.

So congratulations to the new vegetarian catering company that achieved great coverage in today’s Eastern Daily Press, which ran a three page feature around National Vegetarian Week.

Do your homework and be in the know about awareness days and weeks. Regardless of your sector, PR opportunities abound!

For example, we’ve just had National Doughnut Week - great for caterers, bakers, fitness clubs and plus-sized stores. National Insect Week is coming up - one for repellent retailers/manufacturers, nature preservation groups and beekeepers. Get the picture? With a little imagination and creativity you can hitch a lift on someone else’s campaign - and get yourself in the spotlight.

You might have missed Be Nice To Nettles Week, but there’s still time to hop into the saddle for National Bike Week!

Friday, 21 May 2010

Be A Winner - It's Great PR!

For me there's no better feeling than seeing clients pick up awards in recognition of their achievements. And while the thought of ploughing through an entry form can be a daunting prospect, a little teamwork can soon have the job done. Today's the deadline for the East Anglian Daily Times Business Awards I'm keeping my fingers crossed for one of my clients (I'm not going to jinx their chances by naming them just yet!)

If you've missed that deadline, then there's still time to enter the Eastern Daily Press Business Awards

And while there's definitely a certain ring to being an 'award winning' company, even being a runner up can deliver masses of PR mileage. Never mind winning the Oscar, being nominated is a massive achievement in itself!

Wouldn't you agree?